Star Child

Ganesh Hand Blended Incense


Ganesh Hand Blended Incense in a jar by Starchild of Glastonbury.

Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Shiva is a God of fertility and abundance. He blesses his followers with his gifts of virility, fruitfulness, health and prosperity. In India, elephants are considered among the most sacred animals because of their association with Ganesh. Burn this incense as an offering to Ganesh or to invoke his potent power of manifestation and abundance.

Spiritual Incense:

The Gods delight in beautiful scents and incense is their sacred ambrosia. The ancient practice of burning incense as an offering to the Gods has been practiced by cultures all around the world since time immemorial. The fragrant smoke carries our prayers to the heavens. It is a pathway of communication with the Gods. Not to burn incense is like starving the Gods of their favourite food and amounts to cutting ourselves off from our spiritual source. The Gods depend on our offerings as we depend on their divine graces.

How to use:

Place a charcoal disc on a fireproof surface away from anything flammable. A ceramic or metal dish containing some sand is ideal.
Hold a match or a lighter to the rim of the disc, taken care as the disc may spit and spark on ignition. Also allow a good air flow around the disc so that it can burn evenly, and be aware that it may give off quite a lot of smoke.
Once the disc is red hot and glowing, drop a pinch of the incense on the top.
Scrape off the ashes from time to time to expose the glowing centre of the charcoal disc and add more incense as required.
NEVER hold a lit disc in your hand, and dispose of spent discs carefully.

Looking after your incense:

This type of incense keeps well, and as long as it is kept in a cool dark place it should actually improve with age.

Star Child magical incense is designed for a range of common magical purposes and intentions. Remember though, that incense is merely a tool that helps to facilitate the workings of the practitioner, it is not a magical potion in itself. Whilst it can assist focussing the mind on the task and help clear ethereal energy blockages, it won't do the work for you. Desired opportunities may arise - but it is still up to the practitioner to follow them up with appropriate action.

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