Ancient Wisdom

Wheatgerm Carrier Oil


Wheatgerm Essential Carrier Oil by Ancient Wisdom
Latin name: triticum vulgare

This is a very sticky, heavy, honey-coloured oil containing protein, minerals, lecithin, Vitamins A and D, and a high level of Vitamin E. Often recommended as an addition to other oils, Wheatgerm (10-15%) acts as a preservative, increasing stability and shelf-life. It has a very strong odour that may be difficult to conceal.

Properties and uses:
It is good for dry, cracked skin, eczema, psoriasis
It is excellent for mature and prematurely aged skin
It is also beneficial for scar tissue and stretch marks
It penetrates deep into the skin and can repair the damage caused by sunlight exposure

CAUTION: Not to be used by anyone with wheat or gluten allergies

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